Can Security Cameras Foil Deter Any Attacks On The New Year`s Eve

Released on = December 29, 2005, 9:37 am

Press Release Author = Avalonics Inc

Industry = Accounting

Press Release Summary = New year is approaching fast. Big crowds will be gathering
outdoors for the new year\'s celebration, making it that much difficult to keep order
in places like times square in New York City.


Can Security Cameras Foil & Deter Any Attacks On The New Year\'s Eve?

New year is approaching fast. Big crowds will be gathering outdoors for the new
year\'s celebration, making it that much difficult to keep order in places like times
square in New York City. - What can law enforcement do prevent a terrorist attack
from happening?

New York, NY - 12-29-2005

New Year is fast approaching and that means big crowd gatherings which can be ideal
target location for unrest. With the memory of London subway bombings lingering in
the back of every ones mind, law enforcement agencies are taking extreme precautions
to protect the public.

Besides deploying more officers on the streets, law enforcement officials will be
setting up check points, with metal detectors. The manhole covers will also be
sealed and bags will be searched. There will also be helicopters monitoring the
situation from the air. Security cameras will be used to observe the crowd for any
suspicious activity. Security camera surveillance has become a vital part of
protecting the citizens for many countries against terrorist threats.

Security cameras have evolved with time and now possess the ability of face
recognition, though its not perfect it has come a long way. Other advance features
that are now found in security cameras are infrared LED\'s, Motion Sensors, Wireless
technology and digital video recording directly to a hard drive. Even the baby
monitors of today come with a wireless camera and a sensitive microphone that can
pick up an infants cooing.

Security cameras are not the ultimate and only solution but rather a key part of the
overall strategy of maintaining peace and order.

To find out about the different security cameras we sell, please visit

For more information please contact:
Chris Papas

Web Site =

Contact Details = Chris Papas

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